Stepping into week 4, David starts talking about our assignment 2, it makes me think about our practicum. There are some questions which pops into my mind and tried to find out some answers from the web. Here , I would like to share with everyone.
Should I plan some work before head for the children?
In short, no. Although it is very tempting when you’re a keen student teacher, it is not really worth your while to do too much lesson preparation
in advance. One of the most crucial things about planning is that it
suits the children you are teaching – children you haven’t met yet.
Will I be thrown in at the deep end?
Again, probably not. On your first teaching practice
it is highly unlikely you will be given completely free rein with a
class. Rather, you might simply be observing what goes on, or the
teacher might ask you to observe some small groups at first.
Should I prepare anything at all?
It may help you feel better prepared if you have some ideas ready. These could be for quick games, fun activities or interesting exercises that you could use if you are asked to look after the class.
How early should I arrive?
Aim to arrive extra early on your first day of TP. At this point, you won’t be sure how long travelling
to the school will take, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Nothing
makes a worse impression than a teacher who arrives late. In the
teaching profession it is absolutely vital that you are in school and and
ready to start work when your children first arrive.
What should I do when I get to school?
When you arrive, make sure that you report to the main school reception.
You will probably be asked to ‘sign in’ and perhaps be given a badge to
wear, identifying you as a visitor to the school. You might then be
taken up to the staffroom to wait until someone can see you.
Here is a link to some journals relate to this topic
Teacher's journal
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