Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Working towards my assignment 2 ( assessment)

David has put a questions in study desk.   'How will you measure the success of ICT integration into your teaching?' This helps me to answer my questions in my assignment 2. The importance of assessment is to measure the student's understanding.

I will be using the formative and summative to access their understanding. For formative assessment, I would require the students to use ICT tools to do a short presentation of a given title. The students are going to attach photos, videos or information from their research into their presentation. On the same time, peer feedback is required. By using this time, I will be able to identify other student's understanding as well. Summative assessment is done throughout the lessons by posting some questions related to the topic and observation when the students are carrying the tasks given by the teacher. 

After reading other people's post in the forum,  there is a student using the reflection model in assessing where I found I should share here :
''To measure the successfulness of my integrated ICTs, I would be asking myself and my students the following questions: 
  • Was the ICT easy/efficient to use? Did it work as it was supposed to?
  • Did the ICT allow you to do something that was otherwise not possible? Did this enhance the learning experience? Was it necessary? Why/why not?
  • Was the ICT engaging? Would you want to use it again? Why/why not?
  • Was the ICT limiting? Did it prevent you from doing something or learning something important? How? 
  • Do you have any recommendations on how the use of this ICT could be improved? How would you like to use it in the future?''

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